Last year, ChatGPT signaled the death of SEO. Today, rumors are spreading that OpenAI is pivoting to search (backed by Bing, of course). Here we take...
This week, we're going to learn "The 10X solution to solving the Law of Sh*tty Clickthroughs" and how you can use it to make a bucket...
If you've ever seen the name "Taylor Swift" and thought, "Man, I wish there was a way I could make money off of her name", then...
This week, the "Word of the Year" for 2023 was announced: "Enshittification". And, as it turns out, this word captures something of a zeitgeist where there's...
This week, "GPT Store" launched. And while the suckers are flocking to profit with "Builder Revenue", we're going to teach you how to make some serious...
America is falling apart. Big time. Election year is here, and American values are flying out the window. As is any remaining hope in the American...
With the new year approaching, we thought it was time we taught you how to turn 2024 into a year where you make a 3778% improvement...
Election misinformation, FUD, COVID-19, Apple's latest headset, Ole777, the death of third-party cookies, and affiliate marketing. What do all of these things have in common? That's...
Something's brewing in the Right to Repair space. Lawmakers are increasingly law-making. DIY fixer upperers are increasingly fixer uppering. And, if you put your thinking cap...
Ever wondered what Nintendo-brain and the race to AGI can teach you about affiliate marketing? Then this week's for you (read to the end). We've also...