For those fearing a dystopian future, creative tech agency has come up with an anti-AI AI device which detects and alerts you if you're talking to...
China advancing in the field of artificial intelligence may be a signal of a shift in who dominates technology and industries heavily reliant on tech.
So what will happen to the world once we've succeeded in creating an intelligence to rival or equal or own?
Google will soon be applying a layer of artificial intelligence to all of its products.
While machines have been replacing workers for decades, many white collar workers have only recently faced replacement in favor of A.I. technologies.
AI technologies have replaced humans in various roles. However, can fundamental human relationships be eventually taken over by robot tech?
As today’s emerging technologies receives greater buy-in and investment over the coming decades, hotel companies around the world are already taking advantage of some fairly game-changing...
Business travelers are increasingly seeking exclusive and regionally authentic itineraries that cater to small groups.
Technology's big three, proven and strongly founded companies transitioning into the digital highway, and gold are ready for your investment in 2017.
In order to ensure a lasting career for yourself, don’t just watch and comment on the news. Think about how what you are seeing and hearing...