“From your shadow” is a short film, written and directed by Víctor Soto, who seeks to reflect the harsh reality of immigrants in Chile. The story...
With Disney firing “Guardians of the Galaxy” writer-director James Gunn from the third film, can a reboot of the said franchise be possible?
Kathleen Kennedy has been part of the biggest movie franchises including Star Wars, Jurrasic Park, and Indiana Jones.
The latest installment Star Wars: The Last Jedi grossed $220,047,000 in its opening weekend.
Christopher Nolan's "Dunkirk" and Malcolm D. Lee's "Girls Trip" opened strongly at the domestic box office, blowing away the expectations of analysts.
DC and Marvel revealed their upcoming movies that would most likely race to the top of the box office.
Netflix is enjoying the fruits of its labor as more subscribers flock in and ratings of its shows continue to rise.