Demand from the mills is said to be quiet, but exports are going strong, with US prices deemed competitive in Latin America and the Caribbean Basin.
With El Nino in the forecast, Brazil could be affected by drought which could hurt its coffee production. Meanwhile, India will explore ethanol use for surplus...
Poor petroleum futures have affected the commodities market in the past week. Cotton had improved sales in China while there are plenty of sugar supplies.
Export demand for cotton needs to improve for prices to rally while coffee futures were high last week.
Corn rallies are looking optimistic, closing strong on weekly export sales. US cotton futures are weak owing to bad crop conditions.
Hurricane season on some states causes speculative buying on FCOJ. Corn and soybeans are looking bright as both crops closed strong on Friday.
Wheat is looking optimistic as spring plantation offsets previously weak crop productions. Orange juice is possible to rally behind due to bad weather.
As Mexico challenges U.S. tariffs, rice imports struggled to keep up. Cotton delivers another success following its triumphant harvest last week.
Cotton maintains a strong export demand despite uneven planting and dry weather. Rice moves down for now but plantation is starting to progress.
Cotton production trends as demand and price are looking good for July futures. Orange juice and coffee rally due to the rainy season.