The Dow has exceeded the highs it recorded in January while gold is slowly seeing higher prices.
What is the DAX 30 and what makes it a benchmark for core economic performance in Germany and the rest of the Eurozone?
There are some indicators that the stock market could head to a larger bubble next year compared to the two market crashes before.
Stock market numbers are better this week, particularly for tech companies, but it might not be a streak that runs too long.
Recent events around the globe like trade wars are indicators that the world's financial market is headed toward a crash.
Brush up on your trading strategy knowledge and find out what a simple moving average is, and how it works.
In investing, the combination of cognitive and emotional awareness can help investors reach their financial goals.
Taking a cue from Warren Buffett’s stocks purchases could be a good move for new and veteran investors.
The bull market is at its longest yet while Bitcoin remains unchanged, silver and gold do well, and oil rebounded strongly this week.
It seems that the gold price posted on August 15, at $1,165.50, is the bottom of its current decline.