Brand valuation is a smart and risky approach to selling a product in terms of a brand-product match.
Good investors shape their goals and objectives to control the market, while successful investors let the market take control.
The most common type of insurance is the whole life insurance, but there are more choices to choose from to accommodate people's needs.
Even experienced business owners need to step back and assess what they are doing in order to continually be aware of mistakes and shortcomings.
The new year ushers in many job openings in various fields. Here are some jobs that have a higher-than-average starting salary base.
There are many myths about millennials at work that should be debunked. A study identifies the traits of today's young adults in the workplace.
Cuban made contrasting comments on digital currency last year. After calling it "a bubble", he has since changed his tune and invested millions in it.
For most entrepreneurs, email marketing helps bring in new business.
In a male-dominated industry, CEO Marillyn Hewson's expertise and vision were crucial to the success of Lockheed Martin.
Marketing isn’t about spending enormous sums on expensive ads and paying experts for audience research.