Since last November, the Dow Jones has made forty-two new all-time highs, with each also being a new 52Wk High. But for it to make a...
September is here. The worst month of the year historically for the stock market. Will this be different as the stock market keeps chugging higher. But...
While Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have been thrilling gamers for years now, it is only in recent times that their potential in business has been...
You know what they say about living in interesting times. Well, there is no doubt that the futures markets are full of interesting tidbits that reflect...
Gold and silver might seem like unprofitable investments compared to the sharply rising tech stocks, or even the rapidly rising rest of the Dow Jones. But...
Beyond the generation capacity of each of the power plants, it should be remembered that the price of electricity in Spain is established through a marginalist...
Since March 2020, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Law legalized crowdfunding in Ecuador. Three years ago, there were up to seven microfinancing or crowdfunding platforms in Ecuador....
ExeVir is a spin-off of VIB and is headed by German Dr. Torsten Mummenbrauer, a virologist who has worked for GSK Morphosys, Hookipa Pharma and Velvio....
In July, lawmakers in Iran proposed a bill aimed at bringing order to the crypto industry. The bill aims to support the mining of cryptocurrencies. At...
Wilson is one of the US Cherokee Indians who has militated for the legalization of medical cannabis since 2017. He lost his bid for re-election in...