The trading program on the TurboXBT platform is characterized by two major components: synthetic assets, and short-term trading. Typically, both concepts are interdependent of each other...
The dispute between the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Coinbase has been around for some time. The SEC wants to regulate the crypto exchange because...
In France, the share of financing for non-financial companies carried out by bank credit stood at 63% in 2019. The advent of fintech companies, therefore, does...
Cocoa closed lower both in New York and London last week on what was called speculative long liquidation. Trends are turning sideways to down on the...
No matter how you view it, inflation is now here, and the government must either fight it or keep deploying Helicopter money and MMT. So, herein...
The importance of delivering immersive online experiences is getting harder to ignore, especially in the education sector. This has led Hollywood Creative Academy to engage the...
The ministry aims to generalize this initiative to all buildings in Morocco and accelerate the pace of this site. Ahmed Bouzid, the director of development at...
Storm clouds are gathering as my colleague Michael Ballanger of GGM Advisory Inc. says. A down week with the S&P 500 on the cusp of a...
The Dow Jones closed the week with a BEV of -2.86%. This is well within scoring position; less than 5% from the Dow Jones’ last BEV Zero....
Biocross, founded in 2005 as a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), develops in-vitro diagnostic systems with multiple applications in prevention, clinical research, early...