While the West African giant is facing immense challenges, the announcement of the abandonment of the CFA by its neighbors UEMOA is being watched with increasing...
What’s the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency? If you think it’s Bitcoin, which accounts for about 70% of all the digital-asset world’s market value, you’re probably...
The principle of paired trading is that of two assets and it is very important to adhere to a strategy that brings maximum results in today's...
One of the most important events in the history of Bitcoin will be May halving in 2020. The award of Bitcoin miners will fall by half...
A currency crisis is when there is a sharp depreciation (or at times, an appreciation) in the value of a currency.
Earning money in the forex market is quite easier than many might think. Here are simple and effective ways you can grow your forex investment.
Weather affects the economy and economy affects the currency. Here are some ways weather impacts forex in a way you might not have expected.
Everyone who wants to become a successful Forex trader needs to focus and follow the generally accepted risk management principles.
September is considered to be a rough month for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial and Nasdaq. However, gold shone the brightest this month.
Forex is a decentralized global market where various currencies trade. If you're new to the Forex trading, here's a simple guide to walk you through.