It has been a dramatic and historic month in the stock market. One has to go back a long way to find the drops experienced this...
While the outlook for 2019 doesn’t look particularly good, the first few days of January 2019 will act as a barometer for the year ahead.
Global debt now at $245 trillion, the highest in history. The stock markets fell over 3 percent while gold rose 2 percent and bond yields head...
Recent events around the globe like trade wars are indicators that the world's financial market is headed toward a crash.
The next economic crisis might be worse than the Great Recession as interest rates increase, along with growing corporate and household debts.
Interest rates spike through the roof and hit a new record high at 3.11%. As the U.S. cuts ties with Iran, the latter wants to divert...
With a cyclic inflation-deflation behavior seen at the stock market, investors are expecting further increases in global debt tantamount to $237 trillion.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics' recent employment report indicated that there was an increase in nonfarm payrolls last April.
The stock market maintained a state of volatility with stocks rising up and then came crashing down with a hard, low close.
The world enters the "mother of all bubbles" with global debt rising to $237 trillion. Japan, the U.S. and China make the list of top three...