Should you be concerned that the level of U.S. debt is skyrocketing and how will this affect the US economy?
U.S. markets have had a bad week. After reaching all-time highs recently, they’ve spent the last three days in the red.
Trouble is brewing for real estate markets globally, with San Francisco becoming a particular worry.
The real estate market has played a significant role in the economic and financial crises over the past three centuries.
It's Tax Monday. Have you filed your taxes yet?
A lot’s driving this bubble we’ve been in since 2009, but good fundamental trends and things like demographics and technology are not among them.
In the past week, there has been a slew of articles warning that we’re on the verge of a recession.
People don’t understand gold. They don’t understand the U.S. dollar either. Mostly, it’s the same people.
China faces problems in terms of its demographic, its over-investment in infrastructure and its real estate.
The overall US government debt is now at $26.8 trillion.