Palm Oil was lower last week. There are fears of global shortages of vegetable oils now. Demand has been less so far this month and the...
The May job numbers were a disappointment both in the U.S. and Canada. There are complaints of labour shortages despite so many unemployed. Lucrative benefits? The...
The fintech ecosystem has seen a huge growth around the world. The boom in fintech financing has been led mainly by entities in North America, Asia...
Rice prices were a little higher in slow trading on Friday and a little higher for the week, Old crop to new crop spreads were firm...
Markets continue to demonstrate extremes but so far they have held together and yes could go higher still. No decline in markets yet but there are...
Cotton futures were higher on Friday and spent the week in a trading range. Trends are mixed on the daily charts. Cotton growing conditions have improved....
May Soybeans and Soybean Meal closed lower while Soybean Oil was higher. Some of the selling was in response to the WASDE reports released on Wednesday...
Inflation hysteria? Our premise is, it is monetary inflation we have to worry about not price inflation. April inflation numbers were higher than expected fueling the...
Cotton futures were higher for the week with support coming from dry weather in Texas and resistance from weaker demand as seen in the weekly export...
Gold appears to now be confirming our long looked for 31.3 month cycle low. If correct we could see this rise continue into June and July...