The stock markets continued to wiggle their way higher towards the top of the broadening channel. Gold and silver have moved into a corrective mode, which...
FC Stone and Informa said the potential for corn production to be as big as USDA estimated last month. Traders are said to think that there...
In the past week, U.S. stock markets almost broke out to new highs and gold tanked all because of the news that the U.S. and China...
Yield reports from the Gulf Coast areas and continued solid-to-strong export demand have driven the rice market up. Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas are preparing for harvest,...
Younger investors are getting in on socially responsible investing. This approach means investors consider a company’s practices regarding sustainability and diversity. Also known as ESG investing,...
September is a notoriously bad month for stock markets, although we’ve had tops in September/October as well. The stock markets had a good week but a...
Palm oil continued to move higher last week on ideas that demand could improve and as the US dollar held strong. Palm oil production ideas remain...
Africa's emerging tech sectors are showing great promise. While mobile technology has long been a leader, fintech startups are innovating with rising global impact. The financial...
Coffee futures closed lower on ideas that the export pace from Brazil remains strong, and as roaster buying remains generally hard to find. The new harvest...
Fintech has expanded beyond computer technology in banks to include a broad variety of innovations in personal and commercial finance. No company can be competitive without...