The U.S. CPI was largely as expected, and markets rejoiced on Thursday. The CPI is the subject of our Chart of the Week. Friday reversed Thursday's...
Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs declared Bitcoin to be the best risk-adjusted performer out of all asset classes. Since then, Bitcoin has jumped by over 50%,...
CitrusBR last week estimated stocks were estimated at 84,745 tons for last season. This was the lowest estimate since 2012 when data collection started and stocks...
The markets appear to be rolling over. It was noted there have been three seminal events since 2000 - 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis and the...
Rising oil prices are just one of the things that one has to be concerned about. Inflation (rising oil prices are inflationary, but not the only...
I haven’t covered consumer debt and personal income for a few years. As of June 2023, consumer debt has increased by a factor of 102.06 from...
The total number of mortgages with changes in their conditions registered in the property registries was 11,176, 24.9% less than in June 2022. Looking at the...
Both markets closed higher again as traders are more worried about the lack of Sugar exports from India than they are about actual exports from Brazil....
Highlight at the end of the week was Fed Chair Jerome Powell speaking at the annual Jackson Hole, Wyoming symposium. He was a bit hawkish so...
With mortgage rates now at levels last seen in June 2001, I wonder how many “homeowners” who purchased a home in the past ten-years with a...