Coffee futures closed strong on daily and weekly charts in New York and held support on weekly charts in London.
Andrew Wheeler wants to work on the issue concerning corn-based ethanol.
When the dollar receives an increase, gold plunges.
Corn rallies are looking optimistic, closing strong on weekly export sales. US cotton futures are weak owing to bad crop conditions.
With an ongoing trade war between the United States and China, copper prices reported a 15 percent loss in the last five weeks.
Millennials have also posed a challenge for the diamond industry.
Resolute Mining Limited has been operating in the Australian gold industry for more than 20 years.
President Donald Trump is open to the possibility of selling some of America's oil reserves in order to subdue the looming global oil deficit.
Adhik Maas contributed to the dip in the country's gold imports.
India is also looking to help the U.S. as it looks for coal exports to accommodate the demands of its steel-making industry.