Mining has become a necessity because the minerals extracted from underneath the earth can be used in producing everyday items.
Will commodities maintain their upward momentum in the remaining months of 2017?
The tension between North Korea and the U.S. resulted in China and Russia calling on both sides to stop the activities that would aggravate the situation.
The markets peaked early this week with the S&P 500 joining the Dow Jones Industrials (DJI) in making new all-time highs.
Since Monday’s all-time high, the Dow Jones is still holding on to its gains in the face of more declining than advancing days.
The market keeps moving higher despite the numerous reasons as to why it should fail. But probably the biggest reason the market keeps moving higher is...
Oil prices dropped under $45 and gold and gold stocks withered as well. The major stock markets may have been rather boring this past week but...
Whatever our feelings on this subject may be, how much higher the Dow Jones can climb is still a mystery to mortals like us. One thing...
It may be that the reversal in markets on Friday was merely a punctuation mark to what was a very volatile week. Stock markets were cautious...
Is gold overvalued?