It’s best to think of extreme-market volatility for gold, as something that happens whenever big things are happening in the gold market, be that big bull...
Like the stock market, the future for the gold and silver markets will be set by the rising yields in the bond market. It may sound...
Since 25 May 1926, the Dow Jones on 08 Dec 2022 increased to 33,791. Note how by using Dow Jones daily volatility’s 200d M/A (DV) to...
If you’re bullish, maybe you should lower your expectations of what the stock market can do for you in the next few months and the coming...
I haven’t covered consumer debt and personal income for a few years. As of June 2023, consumer debt has increased by a factor of 102.06 from...
With mortgage rates now at levels last seen in June 2001, I wonder how many “homeowners” who purchased a home in the past ten-years with a...
The banks broke below their BEV -50% line in mid-May, as banks in Silicon Valley had runs on them, recovering to their BEV -35% line since...
We can compare any period of a data series with any other when using the Bear’s Eye View technique. Let’s now compare the four decades our...
Last week the Dow Jones broke into scoring position. This week? Senator Schumer called to declassify secret UFO documents, Fitch Downgrade US treasuries from AAA to...
For the first time since 1934, the Barron's Confidence Index (CI) closed above 100, reaching 101.7. This means that yields for Barron's IG Bonds were lower...