London has been the leader to the downside on ample supplies of White Sugar available to the market and forecasts for improved growing conditions in Brazil....
Regular readers of my work know I’m focused on what I call extreme-market events, not just because they are important, but as they are easy to...
Spanish consumer behavior was an excellent predictor of the impact of COVID-19 during the first two waves, in April and between October and November 2020. Spaniards...
The credit markets should be freezing up and the stock market should be plunging from record-high valuations by that time. Today’s Fed decision expedited the timeline...
Cotton futures were higher on Friday in recovery trading, but lower for the week. Trends are mixed on the daily and weekly charts, but the weekly...
This week, the FOMC has “injected” an additional $54.20 billion dollars of “liquidity” into the financial system. This is far from the plus $400 billion they...
Rice prices were lower for the week in good volume trading on demand concerns. It looked like speculators were the best sellers. WASDE decreased ending stocks...
The CPI report is the subject of our Chart of the Week. Pundits are screaming Weimer Republic hyperinflation. But the bond market rallied doing the opposite...
Palm Oil was lower last week. There are fears of global shortages of vegetable oils now. Demand has been less so far this month and the...
One would expect seeing the biggest daily advances happening during bull markets. But the last 121 years of market history proves that is not true; that...