After this latest round of a deflationary recession/depression consummates, global central banks and governments will engage in a battle to re-inflate asset prices such as never...
Despite having a strong global economic stimulus, the country's economic recovery has been at its weakest.
The Dow Jones saw some selling pressure this week, closing down 4.94 percent from its last all-time high of October 3rd of last year.
It always strikes me as odd that the happiest countries tend to be in cold-as-hell places like Scandinavia and Canada. It’s kind of similar stateside, too.
Copper may be facing supply and demand issues but this unpredictability may lead the metal back to its eight-month high levels.
Predicting the stock market is difficult. If it were easy, there would be a lot more millionaires in the world. It takes only a smidgeon of...
This was a constructive week for the Dow Jones, up 1.49 percent in the BEV chart.
Black swans: Attributing sudden and often catastrophic events to such a beautiful bird seems grossly unfair. But panics, manias, crashes, and collapses are like a thunderstorm...
If you’re new to trading, here's a guide on when to use a fundamental or technical analysis.
The change in a world leader’s decisions have a heavy effect on all parties concerned—even on the world market.