The mining company Roxgold Sanu has recently donated medical technical equipment to the region of Boucle du Mouhoun. The donation is estimated at $18,500. The equipment...
A total of 77 countries are eligible for the Paris Club moratorium, granted because of the coronavirus crisis. Experts and economists fear in particular that this...
Having lost operational space in the US and Europe, the rating agencies have "thrown themselves" against emerging countries, particularly those in Africa. It is not necessary...
The economic crisis resulting from the health crisis, which is impacting the private sector, is also leading to an increase in unforeseen public spending combined with...
The CEO of the Tunisian national company warns the state that without a rescue plan, survival is only a matter of weeks. Tunisair's setbacks do not...
The results of the study conducted in the communes of Burkina Faso showed that Ouagadougou could experience a loss of $12.3 million (CFAF 7.5 billion) in...
Governments around the world face the challenge of implementing exit strategies from the health crisis. In Africa, the Economic Commission for Africa has reflected on this...
The crises caused by COVID-19 should lead to a rethinking of post-crisis investment strategies for a solid and socially inclusive recovery. African countries abound with a...
On the subject of the monetary situation, the Beac certainly fears a deterioration. Without expressly saying so, it hypothesis a downward change in the previous parity...
The heads of state of many African countries ask for a postponement, if not a total cancelation, of the debts contracted with international institutions, foreign states...