Hype customers who already have Plus active will be able to continue to use it without changes, or choose to make progress on the Next plan....
The hub is located in the Bank of Italy's Via Cordusio building in Milan, but in the future it could open new branch offices. Milano Hub...
Ljubica Vodanovic, leader of the Financial Regulation and Fintech sector of EY Law Peru, pointed out that there are 151 fintech companies to date, which reflects...
The new product, which can only be activated online, offers four constraint options (involving the unavailability of the amounts paid in): 12, 18, 24 and 36...
Cred is a financial technology company based in Tel Aviv and operating in the United States and Western Europe. The company provides banks with a leading...
Since the beginning of the health crisis, the number of fintech companies’ customers has tripled, with a 30% increase in usage. The Paylib mobile payment application...
The pandemic does not affect the fintech sector, which, on the contrary, is growing. While large money management and insurtech companies are doing well, the small...
Even though the free standard account is retained, the introduction of the "Smart" account gives the impression that N26 wants to leave the free approach behind...
The fintech sector becomes more and more strategic for the major Italian network of companies Confidi, shows the latest survey carried out by Crif. From the...
Last August, press rumors reported that in January 2021 the new Satispay mega-round could see the light of day. The round had already been announced in...