IT outages cause major damage to airline servers resulting to a mix-up in flight schedules, baggage handling and customer contact systems.
Having a passive income is one of the smartest ways to earn money, especially if you are an entrepreneur.
With developments in agriculture, transportation and storage, several food staples are bound to change, drawing a setback in the US corn production.
For startup founders, there are plenty to choose from crowdfunding platforms.
Digital Arts Media Network (OTCMKTS:DATI) introduces its public accelerator-incubator (PAI) program to provide support to tech startups and offer opportunities to angel and early-stage investors.
If you are seventy years old or older, you may want to anticipate giving out significant contributions while lowering taxes from your IRA withdrawals.
Looking for the best deals and discounts? Create your shopping plan and organize the perfect timing on when to wisely spend your money.
Forex market is a lucrative and crafty business if one knows how to play the cards right, when to play the cards and sell his cards...
With the introduction of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, social media has taken marketing and advertising to a whole new level.
NaturalShrimp, Inc. (OTCMKTS:SHMP) and its patent-pending Vibrio Suppression Technology is at the forefront of solving a major problem in the global and domestic supply of fresh...