The crude oil prices are not expected for now thanks to the tensions in Iraq and decreased number of active oil rigs.
Despite a weaker Canadian dollar last week, the canola market managed to pull itself up and trade higher.
Weather conditions, regulations, and power plant expenses can have an impact on energy prices.
Switching from conventional to sustainable farming is a lot harder than it seems.
The sales of diamonds dipped but experts are expecting a rebound as winter holidays are coming up.
Uncertainties and tensions in global economies continue to dictate the price of precious metals.
The October WASDE/Crop Production has come and passed and again offered a few changes by the USDA.
Gold slowed down a bit, but experts believe it could reach the $2,000 plateau soon.
Some grower associations said that Hurricane Irma almost destroyed the orange crops in many areas.
Heading into the WASDE for October 2017, the corn ending stocks are approximal at about 2.289 billion bushels.