Fans have waited more than a decade for the next installment of the Half Life series, and it has finally arrived in the form of Half...
The potential of e-commerce in Africa is huge but there are also challenges to overcome. Online commerce companies like Jumia are struggling with lack of consumer...
Today, many consumers tend to prefer to buy products online. As they can simply browse stores anywhere in the palm of their hands. This is all...
Artificial intelligence has exceeded imaginations about what it can do for businesses. It can personalize your brand and enhance customer satisfaction, leading to profitable campaigns and...
Amazon is changing their algorithm which could impact sellers. The change in algorithm means it will favor Amazon’s own products over third-party sellers. To adapt, third-party...
Despite changes in its third-party seller agreement, Amazon continues to suspend accounts without notice and often without a reason given. This has fueled a cottage industry...
Amazon’s e-commerce site is riddled with fake goods and illegal items, as it fails to vet third-party sellers. According to a Wall Street Journal investigation, there...
About 7.3 percent of companies have started using cloud technology. With more companies joining in on the trend, businesses should see that cloud migration is more...
Third-party sellers on the e-commerce giant are hitting back on the retailer since the headlines have been filled with DOJ anti-trust probes on the company....
E-commerce platform Revolve Group reached a record 90 percent price hike on its first day of trading at $34.26 per share.