Another factor in the upsurge of the stock market is the high expectations of reforms from the Trump government.
From stock markets to creditors, even properties and cryptocurrencies, it seems that we are experiencing a bull market.
The creation of cryptocurrencies is the result of man's search for a more efficient currency.
Should investors move on from this safe haven metal?
Because of the relentless monetary inflation funneled into the economy and financial system by the Federal Reserve, fixed income (bonds) stopped being a safe harbor for...
The escalating tensions between U.S. and North Korea echoed in the financial markets.
If Dow Jones continues its 7 new BEV Zeros in the past two weeks, it can't make a decent correction.
What could be the cause of the stock market doing well this week despite the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma?
Gold is advancing nicely in the market while the Dow Jones is now struggling to hold on.
The Dow Jones had more increases than decreases during the latter part of July.