While the market did not buckle from events such as Italy’s budget woes and the Kavanagh hearings, trade wars, Fed rates hike, rising US dollars and...
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Gold is expected to resume its bull market while Dow Jones needs new all-time highs.
September is considered to be a rough month for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industrial and Nasdaq. However, gold shone the brightest this month.
The bull market is at its longest yet while Bitcoin remains unchanged, silver and gold do well, and oil rebounded strongly this week.
Dow Jones can be expected to continue its upward trend in the coming months after closing higher last week while gold slides lower.
While the tax reform helped to cut taxes by millions of dollars, it has a big impact on the U.S. deficit.
Bitcoin was down again for the week by 8 percent, with most cryptos shedding 15 percent to 30 percent.
Following SET's index trading last Sunday, Thai stock market grew by 2.59 points and was trading shares worth 37.635 billion baht.
Despite the losses, Monzo considers 2018 as a good year because it marks its first anniversary as a licensed bank.