The stock market saw its third day of extreme volatility in the past two weeks, with Dow Jones just 5.61 percent away from its new all-time...
House flipping is one of the most popular day trading techniques. These are the biggest mistakes that an investor can make in this challenging market.
Freelancers are often left out when it comes to mortgage applications. But brokers should start considering them more and here's why.
Those looking to own their dream home may not always qualify for loans. However, brokers can still help out their applicants in a variety of ways.
Mortgage rates are skyrocketing, but there are some expert tips and advice that can help you when applying for a home loan.
The said institute also reported that the new house price index showed signs of possible increases coming in at a rapid pace.
The strict lending rules have prevented people from moving out of their banks.
Recent data says that mortgage loan applications rose by 2.5 percent since July 4. But refinance applications showed otherwise, plummeting by 2.4 percent.
A no-appraisal mortgage is a home loan given by the lender without requiring an independent opinion regarding a home appraisal.
The next economic crisis might be worse than the Great Recession as interest rates increase, along with growing corporate and household debts.