Combustible ice may be the answer to the depleting fossil fuel. China has tons of this natural gas hydrate which can transform the global energy industry.
The OPEC may have thought the cuts extension will bring oil prices up but they may not have expected the weight of American oil production output.
For now, investors are facing record high stock valuations that are levitating on top of a record amount of margin debt.
Outside of the tomahawk fireworks, it was a quiet week with little movement overall in the markets. All of this tension could be shaky for stock...
OPEC wanted to cut production because oil prices had remained stubbornly low, which cut revenue. But when members sell fewer barrels of oil, they obviously limit...
Oil-producing companies are laying out their backup plans to cushion any impact of U.S. President Donald Trump's America First Energy policy.
2016 may be in the past but good problems (record yields) remain an issue for producers.
There is less production in Brazil this year due to the drought in northeast Brazil. Production ideas range from 45 to 50 million bags.
Oil prices jumped roughly $5.00 following initial reports of the agreement and have spent the past few weeks consolidating in a relatively tight range from roughly...
There are ideas of less production in Brazil this year, in part because it is the second year of the biennial cycle and in part due...