Waves also have the capacity to supply electricity just like solar and wind energy.
The major coal users in the world such as China, India, the U.S., Russia and Germany have yet to sign the Powering Past Coal Alliance.
Among the top offenders in the world in terms of air pollution are China, Japan, U.S.A, Saudi Arabia and India.
Chancellor Angela Merkel might have a hard time uniting pro-business groups, political parties, and the Greens.
Wirewatt, Watty, SEaB Energy, Oxford PV, Avant Garde Innovations, BuffaloGrid and Aquion Energy are on the rise.
Two decades from now, nations are expected to rely on green energy to supply their power demands.
South Miami, California and Hawaii continue to support the fight against climate change.
California, Hawaii and Massachusetts are the leading US states which lead the way in renewable energy consumption.
A professor predicts that, in 83 years, climate change will cause indoor summers and power outages will become national emergencies due to the extreme heat.
The national security and economic leadership of the US are both endangered by the Trump government's move to cut back focus on renewable energy resources.