Gold and silver prices are continuing to go down in favor of a stronger U.S. dollar, so what happens now?
There’s a market turnaround based on rising trade volume while gold’s step sum continues its advance.
The FOMC reduced its balance sheet by $37.91 billion this month, and its quantitative tightening could trigger deflationary forces in the stock market.
The stock market saw its third day of extreme volatility in the past two weeks, with Dow Jones just 5.61 percent away from its new all-time...
Real estate is in a bull market and mortgage rates have increased 4.72 percent, a level not seen since May 2011.
While the market did not buckle from events such as Italy’s budget woes and the Kavanagh hearings, trade wars, Fed rates hike, rising US dollars and...
Gold is expected to resume its bull market while Dow Jones needs new all-time highs.
Investors that direct their funds toward trading precious metals are having a tough year. Gold and silver traders, in particular, are getting the short end of...
The bull market is at its longest yet while Bitcoin remains unchanged, silver and gold do well, and oil rebounded strongly this week.
It seems that the gold price posted on August 15, at $1,165.50, is the bottom of its current decline.