Our Nation's debt to GDP ratio has now climbed above 130%. More importantly, that debt has surged to equal 800% of our entire federal annual revenue....
One of the reasons why the next tantrum will be worse than before is that equities are in a much bigger bubble today. The price to...
2020 was marked by a tremendous divergence in economic sectors. There was a crash in the leisure and hospitality sectors, but a boom in home improvement,...
The stock market had soared by 22% in the 12 months prior to the crash of ‘87. In similar fashion, the current market is setting record...
If all goes well in D.C. and with the vaccine and the economy, the Fed should begin to significantly taper its QE program and support of...
In 2017 the Fed officially changed the definition of stable prices to mean 2% inflation. But since that new goal wasn't found to be quite good...
Unsurprisingly, Wall Street is once again clamoring for another shot of heroin because all those trillions of dollars that were distributed in the spring and summer...
The massive fiscal cliff that I have been warning about has arrived. The $3 trillion that was borrowed by the government and printed by the Fed...
Although the Fed has raised its inflation target there is no reason to believe it can reach it. After all, if it has clearly demonstrated that...
The Federal government has added an incredible 30% to its outstanding debt load, the individual states are in need of a trillion-dollar federal bailout and the...