Some countries such as India are already working on producing more biocoal as fuel.
What could have been a breakthrough in medicine turned out to be a fraud in history.
Apart from winemaking, grape skins are now used in manufacturing plastics, another eco-friendly approach to the go green movement in the industry.
Teva initially got the chance to launch its drug called fremanezumab before Aimovig, but the opportunity slipped away when there was a delay in its FDA...
Leukemia is very challenging to treat. But with two new discoveries, it can now be screened and managed at an earlier time.
Thanks to regenerative medicine, the accelerated mutation of blood cancer cells can now be augmented via bone marrow or stem cell transplantation.
Biotech startups having a hard time securing funds must consider launching a crowdfunding campaign instead of relying on venture capitalists.
Lead exposure poses health threats, with children and adults being majorly affected.
Some prominent names to keep an eye on in the biotech investments include GV and Ilona Rich Schachter.
A conflict with the Food and Drug Administration did not stop Anne Wojcicki's 23andMe from giving consumers access to genetic tests.