Highly-advanced machines will soon render the function of lawyers, doctors, and other professionals ordinary. So will software applications.
The key is to create valuable content that is optimized for a popular keyword phrase.
This is not insurance. It’s health cost sharing. It sounds like semantics, but once you get into the details the difference becomes clear.
Spotify is available in more than 60 countries worldwide with 100 million registered users from which 50 million are paying subscribers.
With advantages including high salaries, a huge choice of companies to work for and thousands of meet-up events allowing networking and further learning, the U.K. could...
For those fearing a dystopian future, creative tech agency has come up with an anti-AI AI device which detects and alerts you if you're talking to...
The rich from emerging countries are reported to be buying up real estate properties in developed nations in order to acquire residency or citizenship.
The jewels of Kuala Lumpur, the PETRONAS Twin Towers were once the tallest buildings in the world. Today, the tallest twin structures, this 88-storey wonder stands...
Each entrepreneur and self-made billionaire approaches to time management differently.
The Ph-1 comes in four colors and can be reserved now at a price of $699. It will first ship in the U.S.but there is no...