Moscow leads Russia in non-resource non-energy exports. Industrial goods, including machinery and equipment, make up a significant portion of those exports. Alexander Belogortsev, president of Merkator...
The world is facing a helium shortage. Current reserves are unable to keep up with the demand being generated by expanding industries like semiconductor manufacturing, space...
What’s one EV that’s sure to get you talking? How about the solar-powered SPREE golf cart? No? Let’s change that. Coming to a golf course near...
XRApplied is tapping into an AR, VR, and MR metaverse market that is expected to reach over $450 billion in five years. The company is doing...
A video marketing strategy is a must if you want to engage with your audience, improve brand awareness, and boost leads and sales.Remember: No matter what...
If you are in an industry that needs you to move fast and adapt to new market conditions, optimizing your facility for flexibility and versatility is...
Investment in the metaverse is a hot topic right now. But if you're looking for the biggest opportunities, the obvious investments like Meta might not be...
The pharmaceutical industry is famous for its high R&D costs. But there are low-risk, capital-efficient alternatives to new drug development. Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc. is exploring one...
eShark Token backed by secure blockchain technology and safe smart contracts represents the future of gaming and trading. And it’ll become available for trading on the...
While the metaverse might seem like a far away place, augmented reality and other technologies on which it will be built are already here. In fact,...