The crude oil prices are not expected for now thanks to the tensions in Iraq and decreased number of active oil rigs.
The Sidewalk Labs will be featuring smart technologies such as Wi-Fi, automated trash systems, and self-driving cars.
NVIDIA hopes AI can help in emergency cases so it launched Metropolis.
Investors always want to earn higher returns on their investments.
Meanwhile, Lady Gaga rescheduled her tour to 2018 and Bruno Mars leads the AMA with 8 nominations.
Property prices in Europe are increasing thanks to foreign investors capitalizing on undervalued markets.
Despite a weaker Canadian dollar last week, the canola market managed to pull itself up and trade higher.
Intel, Apple, Boeing, Cisco Systems, Caterpillar, and Microsoft have always been viewed as blue chips.
Amazon has signed deals with landlords to install Amazon Hubs in residential buildings, apartments, and condos.
The net worth of Donald Trump dipped this year due to election spending and dominance of Amazon in retail sales.