Iceberg A-68 calved from the Larsen C Ice Shelf recently, and scientists and the media are keeping an eye on any developments.
Traditional power companies are about to deal with disruption because of the emergence of startup challengers and renewable energy sources.
U.S. companies think efforts in fighting climate change would be a good business regardless of Trump's policies.
A professor predicts that, in 83 years, climate change will cause indoor summers and power outages will become national emergencies due to the extreme heat.
The national security and economic leadership of the US are both endangered by the Trump government's move to cut back focus on renewable energy resources.
If investors have the guts to stomach the bumps on this giddying ride, then they may consider the aforementioned three best renewable energy stocks in 2017.
The richest nations have set a target to be completely free of fossil fuels, which can take up to 100 years.