The Dow Jones bounces back and scores weekly highs, breaking its record five weeks ago, while gold is holding up pretty well despite overwhelming declines.
Mortgage rates continue to increase and predict what may be a crisis in the real estate market. Despite a fall in trading, gold continues to sell.
Dow Jones remains highly volatile, and the continuing deflation of the stock market makes gold and silver look better options to invest in.
The recent rollercoaster dynamics in stock market trading leaves investors worrying about stock market failure leading to a major crash.
The stock market maintained a state of volatility with stocks rising up and then came crashing down with a hard, low close.
Over the past weeks, Dow Jones had its highs and lows but never took a side of the curve. On the other hand, gold stocks are...
Since January, the market volatility is swinging between highs and lows. Is this volatility looking attractive for a bearish market?
The Dow Jones closed higher this week, correcting is 10 percent deficit as of Jan. 26. U.S. stocks opened within reasonable limits last Tuesday.
Reading a lot and having a mentor can help newbie traders in their stock market journey.
With increasing tariffs on foreign imports, the stock market closed low relative to the progress it has been making since Jan. 26.