The success of these artisan liquors is a clear sign of the maturity of the country’s craft liquor industry.
The American India Pale Ale worked its way into the American beer drinker's heart with its flavor and unique color.
Connoisseurs can enjoy wines and spirits at the various festivals showcasing the finest alcoholic beverages from all over the world.
Research shows that whiskey will remain and even become more popular in the years to come.
Celebrity mixologists should get the recognition they deserve for bringing artisanal liquor to a wider audience.
The idea is pretty straightforward: When stocks rise and eventually border on overvalued territory, they are expected to suffer a hard fall.
When an iconic drink and an iconic man meet, it's a match guaranteed to stand the test of time.
The wine and spirits sector recently saw an influx of celebrity endorsements as companies try to remake their images and appeal to new demographics.
According to the American Distilling Institute (ADI), the number of craft distilleries in the United States grew from only 50 in 2005 to more than 600...
Healthy alcoholic beverages are now flooding the market in an attempt to tap into the health conscious demographics. New offerings range from gluten-free beers and spirits...