Even with Mark Zuckerberg apologizing to the Congress, many Facebook users are still deleting their accounts because of the data leak.
With its recent involvement in Cambridge Analytica, Facebook is now swimming in boiling waters in clearing out issues regarding user information.
What tech giants like Facebook, Apple and Google have in common is their established groundwork for disseminating information.
One of the driving forces to lead generation is social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
The Facebook CEO says he is "open" to testifying in court if he's the "right" person, and that the company had made "major mistakes."
A British political consulting firm is reported to have harvested without permission personal information from more than 50 million Facebook profiles.
Anjali Sud focused on creators' platform instead of following the formula that made Netflix, Hulu and Amazon successful. So far, the gamble is working.
Uber co-founder and chairman Garrett Camp is the latest technopreneur to join the cryptocurrency trend.
The key to a successful business ownership is having a solid business plan. Here's a rundown of some ideas you can use to achieve your business...
Personalized service is trending among hotel and travel industries. One reason for this is a quick customer response, thanks to Facebook's Messenger.