Social media giants plan to develop algorithms to track, run and view political ads for the sake of transparency.
Google authenticator is the tech giants answer to so many cybersecurity attacks today.
Lyft and Grab struggled in the beginning, but the vision and perseverance of their founders propelled the company forward.
Google wants a profit sharing with news publications where publishers have a say with the partnership.
Having the right people in your team can help your company to succeed.
The Sidewalk Labs will be featuring smart technologies such as Wi-Fi, automated trash systems, and self-driving cars.
Google Calendar has new features in order to address the feedbacks from its users.
Google will launch "Grow with Google" to provide high-tech training to communities in the next five years.
Facebook, AT&T, and T-Mobile also assisted in restoring Puerto Rico's communication.
While Apple Pay and Android Pay are failing, Alibaba draws over $210 billion to Alipay.