The use of social media influencers, interesting video content and incentive-based marketing are crucial to the success of any crowdfunding campaign.
Some of the tips include preparing some freebies and creating a unique brand.
Baby Yujia, Dhanyashri Sridha and Jimi Cheong are some of the individuals who received financial help thru crowdfunding.
Aside from venture capital, entrepreneurs and startups can turn to crowdfunding for financial boost and promotions.
For startup founders, there are plenty to choose from crowdfunding platforms.
More startups and entrepreneurs are looking at crowdfunding platforms due to their massive success in 2017.
Kickstarter clears up ICO rumors while Patreon averts disaster
Crowdfunding is not for every business model and doing it a second time can present challenges.
Kickstarter has pledged $10 million to support independent journalism.