There are now new technologies that can make solar power a reliable source of energy.
Waves also have the capacity to supply electricity just like solar and wind energy.
Wirewatt, Watty, SEaB Energy, Oxford PV, Avant Garde Innovations, BuffaloGrid and Aquion Energy are on the rise.
The U.S. is cutting down its reliance on coal energy.
South Miami, California and Hawaii continue to support the fight against climate change.
U.S. companies think efforts in fighting climate change would be a good business regardless of Trump's policies.
Renewable energy resources are expanding as scientists and startups harvest water from air, create Ubers of energy, and hold electric-powered formula races.
If investors have the guts to stomach the bumps on this giddying ride, then they may consider the aforementioned three best renewable energy stocks in 2017.
Renewable energies have helped improve the everyday life of people with disabilities through innovations that aid their mobility and productivity.
If Hilary Clinton becomes the next U.S. president, here are the top industries to invest in.