Revolut Ultra, or "Revolut for the rich" has taken off and, as it turns out, the high price has not deterred customers, on the contrary. There...
ALA Diagnostics closed its first round of financing in 2021 for the development of the Em Kit, the first test for the early diagnosis of Multiple...
The first edition of the program made €1 million available to the sector, while Impact4Art 2 will allow the Giordano Dell'Amore Social Venture Foundation to invest...
BND's creative approach to recruitment demonstrates the agency's adaptability and willingness to explore new avenues for talent acquisition. By capitalizing on the growing popularity of NFTs...
Crowdlender's collection is purely related to the real estate sector. In fact, 63.24% of the lending crowdfunding operations analyzed belong to the sustainability and green sphere,...
Unlike CBD products, cannabis containing THC, with its psychoactive effects, can impair cognition, cause anxiety and panic attacks, and be addictive. For Bonn, therefore, only the...
AI chatbots are taking the world by storm, so it was only a matter of time before someone created one for investors. And sure enough, with...
The Elephants platform allows users to buy and own fractions of iconic luxury watches in co-ownership, using a data-driven approach to select the luxury watch. Users...
Spanish biotech companies maintain their leading position in the industrial sector in science with the highest percentage of researchers. The research workplaces Spain in the ninth position...
This article explores the basics of building a brand story, and how this can help you to build an emotional connection with your target audience. To...