Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen ( website) together with the Deutsche Leasing Group (website) launched its own crowdfunding platform. The pilot phase is currently running with several savings...
For Dr Blaise Ouattara, food safety specialist at the FAO regional office in Accra, this project is justified by the food safety problems experienced on the...
For the implementation of the technology, it is essential to have the user's express permission. According to the "Agenda fintech rumbo a 2025", there are 1,578...
The new loan received by Sorgenia follows last February's loan received from BPER Banca. In that case, it was a green loan on a project financing...
The works exhibited in DE-ART's digital gallery are not part of the generative art current, that is, they do not use autonomous systems of generating and...
This year, the group plans to start marketing in Europe and sell 20,000 units of its devices, which will increase to 50,000 units in 2024. After...
If you're looking to buy or sell an online business, the first step is going to be finding the right online business broker or marketplace. However,...
To date, Ephion has agreements with five hospitals for the implementation of its Ephion Mobility technology in neuromuscular diseases: the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital, the...
Cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes is possible only under certain controlled conditions - in research institutes under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and...
The stock market rallied this week but many lag. Gold was up then tanked following the jobs report. Oil rebounded as OPEC meets this weekend. The...