For purebred B2B companies, long-term thinking may remain quite a challenge due to pressure on delivering short-term sales. Field, however, believes that brand building is the...
If you are running an ecommerce store that is getting loads of traffic it is great! But are you capitalizing on your website traffic and getting...
Throughout the history of technological innovation, one constant has always been the evolution and adoption curve of new technologies. From multi-billion dollar genome mapping to computers...
According to the study conducted by PwC, 52% of investors expect their bank to offer sustainable products. 46% expect their bank to actively inform and advise...
The Italian cannabis light company Justmary enters the Serie A of soccer sponsoring teams like Sampdoria, Hellas Verona or Udinese. The advertising of Justmary's online store...
The FinTech company Lydia has recently entered into a partnership with Tink, the Swedish open banking specialist. The aim of Lydia is to become a so-called...
The fees on the Ethereum network have been way higher than the ones on the Bitcoin network. For two months, the blockchain fees investors and users...
Launched in 2015, the project to digitize the financial services of the member networks of the Confederation of Financial Institutions of West Africa (CIF-WA), set up...
The securities were subscribed by Banca Sella. The proceeds will go to feed a ceiling of loans granted directly by Credimi in favor of Italian SMEs...
“Black Swan” events are thankfully few. But when they do happen they can be quite destabilizing even devastating. The pandemic of 2020 is a “black swan”...