In ideal situations, cities are soliciting citizen input, working with other public or private sector partners to address community needs, and to keep the media well...
According to economists, it’s possible the U.S. economy will fall into recession in the next year or two, and that news is enough to push some...
If you’ve been considering using videos to tell your brand story, then now is the perfect time to do it amid the prevalence of social media...
Corn closed higher on ideas of improving demand and varying reports for the initial harvest. Still, investors are hoping for stronger sales. This comes as the...
The Fed’s interest rate hikes and its Quantitative Tightening program, which was the catalyst for a freeze in the bond market in 2018, is now causing...
According to global intellectual property strategist JiNan Glasgow George, analyzing patent trends pays off. Enhanced competitive intelligence, drastically increased valuation and maximized first-mover advantage are three...
The Fed cut rates as expected. The Fed also intervened in repo markets for four consecutive days because of cash shortages in the short term money...
Apple has long been a leader in technology, but as the company aims to diversify its products, it has been getting more involved in payments. That...
The CBD industry is one of the fastest-growing industries today, with vast opportunities waiting for those who dare to jump in. There are countless products on...
When natural disasters occur, efforts are focused first on rescue: finding and caring for people. Very quickly, however, the focus shifts to securing critical facilities, moving...