The Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) opens talks on creating a common currency for the bloc, a debate that started two decades ago.
Parking has become a critical consideration for governmental entities throughout the country.
Amgen's AMG 510 was a highlight at the 2019 American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting.
These six travel solutions will make your summer all the more enjoyable.
Will this new law kill car sharing?
Big companies are starting to get on the impact investing train. is set to change the cryptocurrency game.
Cloud technology has been a gamechanger for many companies, particularly in the IT, banking and communications industries. But it has also led to many job cuts.
The US tax reforms saw corporate tax reduced to 21 percent from as high as 39.6 percent from some businesses. This is just one of the...
Although large airport projects dominate the news, smaller regional airports are announcing numerous immediate upcoming projects.