Aretha Franklin, the iconic singer behind hit songs such as “Respect” and “I Say A Little Prayer,” succumbed to pancreatic cancer on Thursday, Aug. 16.
A business plan is an important tool to secure funding and attract investors, but there are misconceptions first-timers should know when creating one.
Buying a car involves a lot of paperwork, so here, we give you the legal advice that will help you get through the process easier.
To make a successful sales pitch, keep in mind the consumers and how you can sell your story.
CBAs ensure that any infrastructure development project benefits the local community and meets the needs of the residents.
Venezuela, Turkey and Iran are experiencing hyperinflation. Find out what patterns they share, as well as the components that make it so.
The increase in mortgage fraud incidents is alarming. To avoid the consequences of this, brokers need proper training and incentives.
Real estate experts and economists gathered at National Concrete Masonry Association's mid-year meeting, where they discussed real estate and concrete.
Don’t let office fear take a toll on your employees and business. Here’s how to relieve it
The real estate industry is particularly difficult for millennials compared to the previous generations, with rent prices continuously increasing.